7. 丽莎-玛丽-普雷斯利在死后出版的回忆录中描述了猫王去世当天的情景 Lisa Marie Presley describes day Elvis died in memoir published after her death (www.bbc.com)
16. 新书称特朗普在缺货期间秘密向普京发送科威德检测报告 New book says Trump secretly sent Covid tests to Putin during shortage (www.bbc.com)
17. 我们的儿子死了。现在我们可以用他的精子生个孙子了 'Our son died. Now we can use his sperm to have a grandchild' (www.bbc.com)
22. 军情五处警告:俄罗斯正执行在英国街头制造混乱的任务 Russia on mission to cause mayhem on UK streets, warns MI5 (www.bbc.com)
35. 马德琳-麦凯恩嫌疑人在单独审判中被排除强奸指控 Madeleine McCann suspect cleared of rape charges in separate trial (www.bbc.com)
38. 哈里斯被问及乌克兰问题、边境是否出现 "错误 "以及美国债务问题 Harris pushed on Ukraine, if 'mistakes' were made at border and US debt (www.bbc.com)
40. 中东战火越蔓延,和平的念头就越少 The more the fighting spreads in the Middle East, the fewer the thoughts of peace (www.bbc.com)
43. 以色列纪念哈马斯袭击一周年,多条战线战火纷飞 Israel marks year since Hamas attack as fighting rages on multiple fronts (www.bbc.com)
44. 传奇歌手、惠特尼-休斯顿的母亲西西-休斯顿去世,享年 91 岁 Cissy Houston, legendary singer and mother of Whitney Houston, dies at 91 (www.bbc.com)
45. 每天都面临从加沙发稿的挑战"--BBC 的 Rushdi Abualouf ‘Daily challenge to get stories out of Gaza’ - BBC's Rushdi Abualouf (www.bbc.com)
46. 与哈里斯的建议相比,特朗普的建议将使美国债务增加 40 亿美元--研究报告 Trump's proposals would add $4tn more to US debt than Harris's - study (www.bbc.com)
48. 在杀害父亲的以色列袭击中失去眼睛的女孩背负着 "山区无法承受之痛 Girl who lost eye in Israeli raid that killed father carries ‘pain mountains can't bear’ (www.bbc.com)
50. 当局称以色列袭击造成黎巴嫩南部 10 名消防员死亡 Israeli strike kills 10 firefighters in south Lebanon, authorities say (www.bbc.com)
55. 俄罗斯以雇佣军罪名判处 72 岁美国人入狱 Russia sentences 72-year-old American to jail on mercenary charges (www.bbc.com)
63. 亚得里亚海上的绿洲,乌克兰人和俄罗斯人躲避战争的地方 Oasis on the Adriatic where Ukrainians and Russians have gone to escape war (www.bbc.com)
66. 幽灵枪和变性人护理:美国最高法院审理的重大案件 Ghost guns and transgender care: Major cases before US Supreme Court (www.bbc.com)
70. 鲍文:一年的杀戮和假设的破灭将中东推向了更深、更广的战争边缘 Bowen: Year of killing and broken assumptions has taken Middle East to edge of deeper, wider war (www.bbc.com)
71. 我感觉心脏都要爆炸了":贝鲁特经历最严重罢工之夜 'I felt like my heart was going to explode': Beirut reels from heaviest night of strikes (www.bbc.com)
78. 独立时代的领导人退出选举,莫桑比克出现新面孔 Fresh faces in Mozambique's poll as independence era leaders bow out (www.bbc.com)
79. 卫生部称以色列袭击加沙清真寺和学校造成 26 人死亡 Israeli strikes on Gaza mosque and school kill 26, health ministry says (www.bbc.com)
86. 观看:英国广播公司(BBC)记者在向以色列发射火箭弹时的情景 Watch: BBC reporter in the midst of rocket fire into Israel (www.bbc.com)
88. 以色列袭击后,黎巴嫩南部城市几乎荒无人烟,愤怒与悲痛并存 Anger and grief in south Lebanon city almost deserted after Israeli strikes (www.bbc.com)
89. 多莉-帕顿宣布为海伦飓风灾后重建捐款 100 万美元 Dolly Parton announces $1m donation to Hurricane Helene recovery (www.bbc.com)
90. 黎巴嫩医院因以色列袭击卫生设施而关闭 Lebanon hospitals close as Israeli strikes hit health facilities (www.bbc.com)
91. 几个月过去了,特朗普枪击案目击者仍对安保失误感到震惊 Months on, Trump shooting witness still stunned by security lapse (www.bbc.com)
95. 在被焚毁的房屋前保持草坪整洁--哈马斯杀害 101 人的基布兹一年来的情况 Keeping lawns neat in front of burned homes - a year on at kibbutz where Hamas killed 101 (www.bbc.com)
97. 拜登:"我不知道 "内塔尼亚胡是否试图左右美国大选 Biden: 'I don't know' if Netanyahu is trying to sway US election (www.bbc.com)
103. 法官裁定公众可查看法国大规模强奸案审判中的视频证据 Judge rules public can view video evidence in French mass rape trial (www.bbc.com)
105. 我感觉心跳都要停止了贝鲁特以色列国防军袭击现场 'I felt my heart was going to stop': At the scene of an IDF strike in Beirut (www.bbc.com)
106. 神兽 "海狸尼比获准留在野生动物救助中心 Nibi the 'diva' beaver allowed to stay at wildlife rescue centre (www.bbc.com)
110. 中东冲突接下来可能会发生什么?10 位专家分享他们的分析 What might happen next with conflict in the Middle East? 10 experts share their analysis (www.bbc.com)
111. 这本不必发生在特朗普集会上遇害男子的妻子在失落中挣扎 'It didn't have to happen': Wife of man killed at Trump rally struggles with loss (www.bbc.com)
113. 英国广播公司(BBC)工作人员在听到黎巴嫩-以色列边境枪声后四处躲避 BBC crew run for cover after gunfire heard across Lebanon-Israel border (www.bbc.com)
116. 印度政府称将婚内强奸定为刑事犯罪 "过于严厉 India government says criminalising marital rape 'excessively harsh' (www.bbc.com)
119. 10 月 7 日以色列军事基地如何被哈马斯攻破 How an Israeli military base was overrun by Hamas on 7 October (www.bbc.com)
121. 梅拉尼娅-特朗普是最新一位支持堕胎的共和党第一夫人 Melania Trump is latest Republican First Lady to back abortion (www.bbc.com)
124. 伪造的 "卡马拉-哈里斯广告 "使用了英国百货公司的广告 Fake ‘Kamala Harris ad’ used UK department store advert (www.bbc.com)
125. 潜行者 2》:"我们想证明乌克兰也能制作优秀的游戏 Stalker 2: 'We want to show Ukraine can make great games' (www.bbc.com)
127. 在共产主义中国成立 75 周年之际,习近平能否解决其经济问题? As communist China turns 75, can Xi fix its economy? (www.bbc.com)
134. 海伦 "是卡特里娜飓风以来美国本土死亡人数最多的飓风 Helene is deadliest mainland US hurricane since Katrina (www.bbc.com)
135. 观看:杰里米-鲍文就 10 月 7 日袭击事件向哈马斯副领导人施压 Watch: Jeremy Bowen presses Hamas deputy leader on 7 October attacks (www.bbc.com)
137. 拜登称美国正在讨论以色列可能对伊朗石油设施发动的袭击 Biden says US discussing possible Israeli strikes on Iran oil facilities (www.bbc.com)
138. 瑞典称伊朗可能是袭击以色列使馆事件的幕后黑手 Iran may be behind attacks on Israeli embassies, Sweden says (www.bbc.com)
139. TikTok 影响力 "普拉达先生 "因二级谋杀罪被捕 TikTok influencer 'Mr Prada' arrested for second degree murder (www.bbc.com)
142. 导弹袭击以色列暴露伊朗人之间的深刻分歧 Missile attack on Israel lays bare deep divisions among Iranians (www.bbc.com)
143. 坦桑尼亚新闻网站因动画片被视为批评总统而遭禁 Tanzania news sites banned over animation deemed critical of president (www.bbc.com)
145. 我崩溃了"--飓风 "海伦 "对幸存者造成的情感伤害 'I just broke down' - Hurricane Helene takes emotional toll on survivors (www.bbc.com)
151. 多米尼加共和国 "每周驱逐多达 10,000 名移民 Dominican Republic 'to deport up to 10,000 migrants a week' (www.bbc.com)
153. 贝鲁特发生大爆炸,以色列国防军称进行了 "精确 "打击 Large explosion in Beirut as IDF says it conducted 'precise' strike (www.bbc.com)
154. 它杀死了一切"--巴西创纪录的森林大火重创亚马逊原住民 'It kills everything' - Amazon’s indigenous people hit by record forest fires in Brazil (www.bbc.com)
159. 检察官称,特朗普 "诉诸犯罪 "以推翻 2020 年大选 Trump 'resorted to crimes' to overturn 2020 election, prosecutors say (www.bbc.com)
160. 八名以色列士兵在黎巴嫩境内与真主党的战斗中丧生 Eight Israeli troops killed in fighting with Hezbollah inside Lebanon (www.bbc.com)
165. 英国广播公司(BBC)称,加沙学校袭击造成 22 人死亡,袭击目标是一名哈马斯人员 Gaza school strike which killed 22 targeted one Hamas figure, BBC told (www.bbc.com)
166. 美国未爆炸炸弹爆炸导致日本机场航班停飞 Blast from unexploded US bomb grounds flights at Japanese airport (www.bbc.com)
168. 马德琳-麦凯恩嫌疑人在无关审判中面临 15 年监禁 Madeleine McCann suspect faces 15-year prison term in unrelated trial (www.bbc.com)
169. 飓风海伦在美国东南部造成 160 多人死亡 More than 160 left dead in US south-east by Hurricane Helene (www.bbc.com)
172. 哈马斯管理的卫生部称以色列对加沙南部的袭击造成 51 人死亡 Israeli strikes on southern Gaza kill 51, says Hamas-run health ministry (www.bbc.com)
176. 鲍文:伊朗想造成真正的破坏,以色列的反应可能不会像上次那样克制 Bowen: Iran wanted to do real damage, and Israel's response may not be as restrained as last time (www.bbc.com)
181. 尖叫与混乱目击者描述上海商场刺伤事件 Screams and chaos: Eyewitnesses describe Shanghai mall stabbing (www.bbc.com)
191. 肖恩-康姆斯(Sean 'Diddy' Combs)面临 100 多项新的攻击指控 Sean 'Diddy' Combs faces more than 100 new assault allegations (www.bbc.com)
198. 揭露网络诈骗的柬埔寨获奖记者被捕 Award-winning Cambodian journalist who exposed cyberscams is arrested (www.bbc.com)
201. 副总统辩论很少有意义--沃尔兹与万斯的对决则不同 VP debates rarely matter - the Walz v Vance showdown is different (www.bbc.com)
204. 观看:无人机拍摄的北卡罗来纳州洪水和道路损毁的画面 Watch: Drone footage of floods and torn-up roads in North Carolina (www.bbc.com)
206. 这是韩国最迷人的老奶奶吗?环球小姐评委认为是 Is this S Korea's most glamorous granny? Miss Universe judges think so (www.bbc.com)
212. 人们在慌乱中挣扎"--北卡罗来纳州从毁灭性风暴中恢复过来 'People are just scrambling' - North Carolina reels from devastating storm (www.bbc.com)
214. 习近平对经济忧心忡忡--中国人民怎么看? Xi Jinping is worried about the economy - what do Chinese people think? (www.bbc.com)
215. 以色列告诉美国它计划对黎巴嫩发动有限的地面入侵 Israel tells US it plans to launch limited ground incursion into Lebanon (www.bbc.com)
220. 受困宇航员对 SpaceX 太空舱乘员的热烈欢迎 Joyful welcome by stranded astronauts for SpaceX capsule crew (www.bbc.com)
229. 我抱起孙子就跑":黎巴嫩家庭逃离以色列袭击 'I grabbed my grandchildren and ran': Lebanon families flee Israeli strikes (www.bbc.com)
234. 克林顿称拜登在关键选举中靠边站是正确的 Biden was right to stand aside in critical election, Clinton says (www.bbc.com)
235. 经过数月等待,加沙女孩成功前往意大利接受烧伤治疗 After months of waiting, Gaza girls make it to Italy for burns treatment (www.bbc.com)
239. 水手们说他们是如何被一名英国人骗去走私可卡因的 How sailors say they were tricked into smuggling cocaine by a British man (www.bbc.com)
241. 美国乡村音乐巨星克里斯-克里斯托弗森逝世,享年 88 岁 US country music star Kris Kristofferson dies, aged 88 (www.bbc.com)
242. 以色列的袭击可能导致数百万人流离失所--黎巴嫩总理 Israeli strikes may have displaced million people - Lebanon PM (www.bbc.com)
246. 宝莱坞明星沙鲁克-汗获奖后表示 "回来真好 Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan says 'it's good to be back' after award win (www.bbc.com)
247. 我在他们不想让你看到的神秘热带岛屿上发现了什么 What I found on the secretive tropical island they don't want you to see (www.bbc.com)
249. 海伦洪水袭击美国多个州,死亡人数增至 60 人以上 Helene floods hit more US states as deaths rise above 60 (www.bbc.com)
251. 数分钟内售罄,转售价格高达数百万美元:酷玩乐队门票在印度引发愤怒 Sold out in minutes, resold for millions: Coldplay tickets spark outrage in India (www.bbc.com)
252. 童养媳赢得离婚权--现在塔利班说这不算数 A child bride won the right to divorce - now the Taliban say it doesn't count (www.bbc.com)
256. 太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)执行送回两名受困宇航员的任务 SpaceX on mission to return two stranded astronauts (www.bbc.com)
257. 国家经历的最糟糕时刻":贝鲁特街头的恐惧 'The worst moment the country has passed through': Fear on the streets of Beirut (www.bbc.com)
261. 一艘 "可恶 "的潜水艇--老板却坚信泰坦号是安全的 An 'abomination' of a sub – and the boss convinced Titan was safe (www.bbc.com)
263. 特朗普还是哈里斯?在危机四伏的世界里,外交官们要么甘心于 Trump or Harris? In a crisis-hit world, diplomats resigned to either (www.bbc.com)
265. 泽伦斯基在美国艰难地推销他的 "胜利计划"--他的推销是否失败了? Zelensky gives his 'victory plan' a hard sell in the US - did the pitch fall flat? (www.bbc.com)
268. 共和党州长候选人在 "竞选事件 "后因烧伤接受治疗 Republican governor candidate treated for burns after 'campaign incident' (www.bbc.com)
269. 南非大规模枪击案造成 17 人死亡,追捕行动正在进行中 Manhunt under way as 17 people killed in South Africa mass shooting (www.bbc.com)
272. 针对名人认可的自然保护区的抹黑运动曝光 Smear campaign against celebrity-endorsed nature reserve exposed (www.bbc.com)
273. Uber 条款规定,"改变生活 "的车祸发生后,这对夫妇不能提起诉讼 Uber terms mean couple can't sue after 'life-changing' crash (www.bbc.com)
276. 克什米尔希望在 10 年来首次选举后获得发言权 Kashmir hopes for a voice after first election in 10 years (www.bbc.com)
277. 肖恩-康姆斯(Sean 'Diddy' Combs)面临更多性侵犯指控 Sean 'Diddy' Combs facing more allegations of sexual assault (www.bbc.com)
278. 鲍文:贝鲁特大罢工让西方无能为力,以色列却在追逐胜利 Bowen: Huge Beirut strike leaves West powerless as Israel chases victory (www.bbc.com)
281. 美国指控三名伊朗人 "黑客攻击并泄露 "特朗普竞选团队信息 US charges three Iranians with 'hack and leak' of Trump campaign (www.bbc.com)
283. 墨西哥 43 名失踪学生的家人仍要求伸张正义 Families of 43 missing students in Mexico are still demanding justice (www.bbc.com)
284. 从莎士比亚到哈利波特玛吉-史密斯夫人最伟大的六个角色 Shakespeare to Harry Potter: Six of Dame Maggie Smith's greatest roles (www.bbc.com)
290. 玛吉-史密斯夫人讣告在舞台和银幕上都是引人注目的存在 Dame Maggie Smith obituary: A piercing presence on stage and screen (www.bbc.com)
291. 哈利-波特》和《唐顿庄园》女演员玛吉-史密斯夫人去世,享年 89 岁 Harry Potter and Downton Abbey actress Dame Maggie Smith dies at 89 (www.bbc.com)
294. 飓风 "海伦 "袭击佛罗里达州,汹涌的海水和救援行动 Raging waters and rescues as Hurricane Helene hits Florida (www.bbc.com)
297. 罗斯-阿特金斯谈...为什么美国大选对乌克兰至关重要 Ros Atkins on... Why the US election is crucial to Ukraine (www.bbc.com)
299. 我希望我们有家可回"。弗罗里达州人全力应对飓风海伦娜 'I hope we have a home to go back to'. Floridians hunker down for Hurricane Helene (www.bbc.com)
300. 威尔-费瑞尔(Will Ferrell)谈成为他的变性朋友的公路旅行盟友 Will Ferrell on being his trans friend's road trip ally (www.bbc.com)